Choosing a Live Casino

Live casino is a remarkable new iGaming innovation that bridges the gap between virtual and land-based gambling experiences. It uses real-time streaming technology to bring the thrill of casino gaming to your computer or mobile device.

Live casinos use specialised video cameras that stream a live dealer and the table to players’ computers or mobile devices in real time. This allows them to interact with the dealers and other players while enjoying the buzzing atmosphere of a brick-and-mortar casino.

When choosing a live casino, look for one with a good track record and high standards of customer service. It should also offer a wide variety of payment methods including credit/debit cards and e-wallets, as well as secure, convenient deposit and withdrawal options. Make sure the live casino you choose is licensed in your jurisdiction and has a responsible gambling policy.

Look for a live casino that offers a variety of games, including your favorite casino classics. The best live casinos partner with reputable software providers to deliver the most authentic and immersive gaming experience. Then, make sure the casino you choose is compatible with your mobile or desktop device and has sufficient bandwidth to deliver a smooth gaming experience. Nothing is more frustrating than getting into a game and having your internet connection cut or seeing that annoying circle buffer while you’re trying to play. Check out our guide to online casino speed and stability to learn more about how you can ensure a seamless, high-quality gaming experience.